  CAN-8 VirtuaLab

Price list

CAN-8's network licensing system eliminates per-user or per-station usage restrictions and allows for cost-effective licensing sharing. It is therefore not necessary to purchase a license per user registered in the language program, but rather to buy enough for the maximum number of users per lab.

We encourage you to call us if you need help determining the number of licenses needed for your site.

CAN-8's network licensing system eliminates per-user or per-station usage restrictions and allows for cost-effective licensing sharing. It is therefore not necessary to purchase a license per user registered in the language program, but rather to buy enough for the maximum number of users per lab.

We encourage you to call us if you need help determining the number of licenses needed for your site.

Contact us

416 968 7155 #505
Toll free in North America:
1 855 305 9937 #505

When you purchase a CAN-8 system, you have the choice of purchasing it with permanent licenses or annual licenses.

  • Permanent licenses never expire. You can use your system and the material developed indefinitely.
  • Annual licenses expire after 12 months if they are not renewed. However, the material developed during these 12 months remains in the system and is reactivated as soon as you renew your licenses, even if several months have elapsed between renewal.

For more details on the difference between permanent and annual licenses, please contact us.

Price list

Description Price
Annual Licenses - Unlimites access to the server for a period of 12 months. Includes one year of support and maintenance. $320.00 / year /license
Permanent Licenses - The software and teaching material developed are owned by your organization. The price includes one year of support and maintenance, renewable separately. $989.00 per license
Discount for order of 50 licenses or more (permanent or annual) 10 % of listed price;

Support and maintenance

Sounds virtual includes a full year of free support and maintenance with the purchase of a CAN-8 system. Support is provided by email or phone and includes software assistance. Your system is also maintained during this period. Your site will be able to install the latest versions distributed during these 12 months, including all improvements, new features and fixes available.
Once the 12 months are over, this service can be renewed annually:

Description Price
Annual support and maintenance agreement for permanent licenses. Renewable - $110.00 per license
If more than two years elapsed between the end of a maintenance agreement and its renewal: $170.00 per license
Technical consultation service for sites without support agreement. Covers technical needs, software assistance and administrative functions. $130.00 / hour


Sounds Virtual suggests that all new customers undergo training to optimize their use of the system. Initial training covers: administrative functions of the system, development of teaching material, evaluation of the work submitted; training for technicians on installation and maintenance tasks is also included.
For sites that simply want to update their knowledge, these courses are tailored to their specific needs and to the level of knowledge of the participants. For an assessment of the training time required for your team, please contact training@can8.com

There is no limit on the number of participants in these training sessions.

Description price
3 days on-site $ 1800.00 per group
Sounds Virtual offers 3 days of on-site training free of charge with the purchase of 40 or more permanent licenses $ 0.00 per group
Additional training days and skills' upgrade training $ 600.00 / day / group
The above rates do not include the trainer's transportation and accommodation, which are at the customer's expense and will be added to the price of the training when billing.


Sounds Virtual Inc. offers a server hosting service which eliminates hardware and software management concerns while reducing your infrastructure costs. The hosting service ensures an installation in a secure co-location, on enterprise grade equipment with a fast and reliable connection and with daily backups and monitoring.
Note that to preserve the integrity of the system, hosted sites must have a support and maintenance agreement with Sounds Virtual Inc.

Descriptionl Price
Hosting cost on the Sounds Virtual's cloud server for 20 licenses or less. $108.00 / month
Hosting cost on the Sounds Virtual's cloud server for more than 20 licenses. $216.00 / month
For more information about this service, please call us at 416 968 7155 #505

About Sounds Virtual Inc.

Our commitment

Our Experience

Sounds Virtual Inc. released its first version of CAN-8 VirtuaLab in 1993. Since then, our team has entirely dedicated itself to put CAN-8 at the forefront of language teaching technology.

Our Goal

To help students reach language proficiency with a virtual immersion learning system that complements the class curriculum, and provide teachers with tools that facilitate their teaching and monitoring workload.


Since the initial concept of CAN-8 VirtuaLab, we are constantly adding new innovations, capabilities, and support for hardware as it becomes available. In consultation with our clients, we regularly incorporate their requirements, making CAN-8 an outstanding solution for language training.


We believe that our commitment to our clients goes beyond the delivery of the software. Our in-house support team consists of experienced specialists who can assist technically and with the use of the software. We take pride in providing knowledgeable, friendly support that is widely recognized for its dedication and efficiency.